See how your council has been spending your money....
Not sure which candidate to vote for in the 2025 UK local elections?
Use our interactive Council Spending reports to get an insight into how your money has been spent over the past few years.
Use the Search Filter panel on the left side of the report to select which council and year you want focus on.
The Spend by Council Department report allows the user to drill down from the Council Department level, to Expense Category and then down to individual supplier invoices.
If a user of the website is interested in a specific supplier. The Spend by Supplier report enables the user to drill down into one or all of the payments made to a specific supplier by a council.
If a user is interested in a specific expense category why the council is spending money, they can search through each expense category directly, using the Spend by Expense Category report.
If a user is interested in a specific reason why the council is spending money, they can search through the Expense Reasons directly, using the Spend by Expense Reason report.